We want to teach our kids that every little choice they make affects others - even just brushing their teeth.
Our toothbrush give-away has so far been an overwhelming success. Thank you!
I can’t wait to send 200 people a twin pack of natural bamboo toothbrushes 100% FREE!
Why? Because I really believe in this cause and I think using less plastic and more earth-friendly materials is an important step in living a more sustainable life.
Every day I experience and see first-hand how much parents care about their children. Only wanting the best education, feeding them all the healthy foods, teaching them the right values, etc.
But so often those same parents don’t think twice about buying that plastic bottle of water, getting a take-away coffee in a disposable cup or conveniently using plastic packaging and bags when shopping. I get it, we’re so used to it, it’s so easy and from what we know it’s harmless… Or at least that’s what we think.
That’s why it’s so encouraging to see that more and more people, from all ages and walks of life, do want to reconsider their habits and every day purchases, because it’s in the best interest of our planet and therefore in the best interest of our kids to buy and use less plastic.
Some of the reasons and motivations why people want to try our natural bamboo toothbrushes, truly are inspirational…
A snapshot:
"Because I want to create a culture in our home that values the earth more than convenience. We want to teach our kids that every little choice they make affects others - even just brushing their teeth."
"I have incredible climate guilt and it pains me to see how much plastic there is in our world. While it is durable, it often does not get recycled. I think bamboo, a resource which is not quite scarce is much more sustainable than producing more plastic products."
"Having grandchildren, the world is just too important to turn it into a plastic globe."
"To reduce plastic waste, one small step is all it takes, hope to win this lovely prize, so I can do my bit, I think that’s wise."
"Coming from India we always thought nature is closely associated with our body and skin care. People of my previous generation used neem sticks as their brushes. So by your product of using bamboo as my toothbrush, I think I can expect better results."
"I would love to give bamboo a go because I have always wanted to but never have had the chance and because saving our environment is important."
"It’s so important for us to support our environment and make a conscious effort for the better! Limiting plastic waste (aka disposable toothbrushes) and looking for sustainable alternatives is a great step towards this! What a truly amazing brand concept you have!"
"lately I have been wanting to go more eco-friendly and sustainable and using bamboo is a perfect way for me to start. I want to do my part to help the planet :)"
"I am passionate about the environment and recycle, reuse and op shop before buying new. I believe if everyone does their part the world will recover from the mess it is in. Bamboo toothbrushes should be used over plastic and more people take these little steps the better. It would be awesome if we could be responsible for our own household rubbish. I make my own bin liners from old newspapers. I just hope we leave this planet in a better state than it is now for our future generations."
"One less plastic item in my household is why. Every tiny change is a step in the right direction."
"I would love to reduce my environmental footprint and also LOVE bamboo! I super excited to be supporting an amazing woman in business any way that I can!"
"Well I have just became a grandmother for the first time this year, and I want to make this world a better place for him to grow up in, so we need to start with the everyday things and this toothbrush is the start. Then I can move onto bigger and better items."
"I have new grandchildren so I'd like us all to start educating each other about being mindful of what we can do every day to reduce our plastic usage. If they start off using bamboo toothbrushes from the very beginning, it's a foot in the right direction. From little things big things grow,"
"am all about teaching my kids to be environmentally friendly. What could be better than having fun brushing your teeth and helping the environment at the same time! Get Bamboozled 👍"
"I have been reading how environmentally friendly bamboo is and as normal toothbrushes take so long (if ever) to break down it is great to see a product that won't hurt the earth once its usefulness is over!"
"Two reasons - firstly, to take a step in the direction of making a change for the future and now and secondly, to support local business!"
"We want to teach our son a sustainable future and that his generation is the key to change!"
"I bought my first Happie Bamboo toothbrushes a few weeks ago. Love them!! I'd love to win a two pack for my son & his partner to try. They don't believe bamboo toothbrushes are worth the money so would like to give them some to try. I believe you will have new customers once they realise how good they are."
"Love your bamboo bowl it’s a godsend for my toddler! I want him to have a recyclable childhood and to have a bamboo toothbrush would just be another good example for him of how he can contribute to a sustainable future and that he grows up with it being the normal! "
I really hope you found some inspiration from these quotes, I definitely did! Entries for the give-away are still open until the 30th of September 2019, so please subscribe and let us know why you would want to give our Happie Bamboo toothbrushes a go!